Homework Assignment

To start a Homework assignment go to the Pending tab and click on the assignment you wish to start.

In your homework assignments, you may have study material, flashcards and videos (Non-graded items) and practice quizzes, homework quizzes, or activities (items that may be graded)

Homework Assignment details 

Once you open an assignment you will be able to view all instructions and details related to the specific assignment. Details are broken down into:

Assignment name and instructions 

Important rules related to assignment grade points and due date are shown like in the screenshot.

Non- Graded Items like study material (Chapters or chapter sections from the textbook), videos, and flashcards.

Graded Items (Your instructor can also make it non-graded) like activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes, and/or lab experiments.

These items will come with some important information for you to know.

1. Whether this section is considered for grading and how many times you are allowed to attempt this section.

2. The grading rule your instructor has selected for this section.

3. Click on the "Start" button to start a particular item.

4. Lrnr points: the points that each item is worth in the platform. 

5. Grade Points, the points that your instructor has allocated for each item. *Only these will be considered for grading.


To review the study material that’s been assigned to you, click on the “Study” button next to each chapter.


To review the flashcards inside the assignment page, click on the “Play” button next to each flashcards deck.

That particular flashcard deck shows up as a pop-up on the assignment page. Close the flashcard deck by clicking on the “X” button.


To watch the videos that have been assigned to you, inside the assignment page, click on the “Play” button.

The video will be displayed in-line. Click on the “X” to close it or on the [ ] button to make it full screen.


Click on "Take Activity" to start attempting an activity given in the assignment.

Go To "Activity Format" to learn how to attempt and submit activities.

Practice / Homework Quizzes

Click on "Start" to attempt a Practice or Homework quiz given in the assignment.

Go to "Practice Quiz/ Homework Quiz Format" to learn how to attempt and submit your quizzes.

Lab Experiments

Click on the "Start Experiment" button to attempt the experiment.

Go to "Lab experiments" to learn more.