Reset attempts 

You can reset attempts for single elements of an assignment (Practice quiz, Homework quiz, Activity, etc.) for individual students.

1. Hover over any "Active" or "Completed" assignment that has been already submitted by at least one student and click on "Report".

2. Find the name of the student(s) you wish to reset attempts to. It might be of help typing their names in the "Find Learners" box at the top left corner.

 3. Hover over the grades for the element of the assignment (Practice quiz, Homework quiz, Activity, etc.) you wish to reset attempts for and click on the checkbox next to it.

4. Click on the drop down list at the top named "Actions" and then click on "Reset all attempts" 

You can also click on "Select All" to reset attempt(s) for all students in a class section.

5.To confirm, click on "OK".

Note: Repeat the process for each element of the assignment that you wish to reset attempts for.