Authoring Questions
How to author questions?
Multiple Choice
Enter question.
Add options and feedback (optional) for each option.
Choose the correct answer.
Add overall feedback (optional).
Multiple-choice questions are automatically graded.
To complete the question, ensure you have at least two answer options.
Navigation Guide:
Add image
Hover over any question/option, and an image icon will appear on the right. Click to add an image.
Add option
Click the "Add Option" button under the options.
Delete an option
Click the 'x' icon on the right side of the option.
Incomplete text
The top right corner will display "incomplete" until you meet the question's requirements (at least two options for Multiple Choice).
Multiple Select
Enter the question.
Add options and feedback (optional) for each option.
Choose the correct answer(s).
Add overall feedback (optional).
Multiple select questions are automatically graded.
To complete the question, ensure you have at least two answer options.
Navigation Guide:
Enter instructions.
Upload the image.
Mark the areas using the drawing toolbar - Rectangle, Circle, Area, Points (located on the right side of the image).
Add terms and descriptions to create options.
Select the activity mode: Click on the Target, Matching, Fill in the Blanks, Drag and Drop, or Drop Down.
Diagram questions are automatically graded.
To clear the "incomplete" status on the question card, ensure your question has at least one option with a term and definition. You won't be able to present it until this condition is met.
If you want to change the activity mode for a diagram question, it's better to use tools that provide a larger space to highlight diagram parts. If you use the "Point" drawing tool and switch the activity mode to "Click on Target" or "Match the Following," the question card will display an "incomplete" status.
Prompt for beam allows you to choose the activity mode as questions are displayed during live polling.
Navigation Guide:
Activity Modes in Diagram Question
You can choose the activity mode after creating the question:
Click on Target
Fill in the Blanks
Drag and Drop
Drop Down
You can also enable the prompt for Beam to suggest activity modes during the beam.
Preview of different activity modes
You can make the question more challenging by choosing either the description or the term, or by keeping it random.
Trace the Path
Enter instructions.
Upload an image or start with a blank canvas.
Draw the path using the drawing toolbar, located on the right side of the image.
If you check "Has Correct Answer," you'll need to manually grade the question. If unchecked, it's an open question with no predefined answer or points.
For manual grading, click 'answer' on the bottom navbar before finishing the quiz, then use the checkmark and cross icons to mark responses.
To complete the question, ensure you have added instructions.
Different Use cases:
You provide students with a blank canvas, allowing them to draw based on instructions.
Provide a blank canvas for students to draw based on instructions.
Present a blank canvas with instructions to draw shapes.
Draw shapes and ask students to replicate them.
Upload an image and instruct them to trace or draw the path.
Navigation Guide:
How to Manually Grade the Question:
Click 'answer' on the bottom navbar to see student responses.
Click the checkmark icon for correct answers and the cross icon for incorrect answers.
Students cannot answer the question while you're in the 'answer' section.
Fill in the Blanks
Type the question and add blank spaces where needed. (Click the 'blank space' icon on the top-left of the editing toolbar)
Add the correct text for each blank.
You can also add multiple 'Acceptable' answers (alternative correct answers) for each blank.
Add 'Incorrect' answers for each blank (used for drop-down and drag-and-drop modes).
Add an image if desired.
Add correct and incorrect feedback for each blank (optional).
Enable the following for each blank (optional):
Number: Accepts only numeric responses.
Spell check: Accepts responses that match the blank letter by letter.
Match case: Accepts responses that match the blank letter by letter, including capitalization.
For fill-in-the-blanks with additional responses, you can mark responses as correct during or before finishing the beam.
To complete the question, ensure you have at least one blank added.
Prompt for beam allows you to choose the activity mode as questions are displayed during live polling.
Navigation Guide:
Activity Modes
You can convert any 'Fill in the blank' question into:
Drag & Drop:
Drop Down:
Random: Randomizes the format between drag-and-drop, 'Fill in the Blank', or drop-down.
You need to add at least one incorrect answer to enable these options.
Enter the question.
Provide the correct pairs.
Add incorrect or additional correct answers.
Matching questions are automatically graded.
To complete the question, ensure you have at least two correct pairs.
Prompt for beam allows you to choose the activity mode as questions are displayed during live polling.
Navigation Guide:
Activity Modes
Grouping: To switch from matching to grouping, click on the drop-down menu displaying "matching" and select "grouping" from the list.
Enter the question with a blank space.
Provide the correct and acceptable answers for the blank.
Add an image if needed.
Add correct and incorrect feedback.
Grouping is an open question, meaning you don't have to grade manually.
To complete the question, ensure you have at least two correct pairs.
Navigation Guide:
Activity Modes
Choice Matrix: Another form of grouping questions displayed in a grid of rows and columns, where rows represent the question and columns offer predefined answer choices
Enter instructions.
Enter the text to be highlighted.
Highlight the word(s). (No highlights are needed for open sessions with no correct answers).
Add correct and incorrect feedback.
Highlight is an open question, meaning you don't have to grade manually.
To complete the question, ensure you have added instructions and the markup text.
You can present highlights for open sessions without adding any answer (highlighting any word).
Navigation Guide:
Activity Modes
You can convert any 'Highlight' question into:
Fill in the blanks
Drag & Drop
You need to add at least one incorrect answer to enable the drag-and-drop and drop-down options.
Enter the question.
Add the option(s) in a correctly ordered list.
Enable/disable bi-directional Sorting (optional)
With bidirectional sorting, an answer is correct if arranged in ascending or descending order.
Sorting is an open question, meaning you don't have to grade manually.
To complete the question, ensure you have at least one option added.
Navigation Guide:
White Board
While authoring questions, click Whiteboard from the + button's drop-down menu and select Whiteboard
While the beam is live:
You can also add a whiteboard during the live polling is live. To add, click the whiteboard button beside the beam overview at the bottom.