Create Homework
Step 1: Assignment Set up
Once you enter the name of the assignment you can continue with the next steps.
Step 2: Select Practices
Click on "SHOW ANSWER" to check the expected response.
Tip: Above each activity's title you can see the corresponding activity type
2. Below your selection of quizzes or activities you will find "My bank" (If you have previously created questions or activities)
3. Click on a Topic
4. Select the questions or activities
5. Your selected activities or questions will show up at the right side of the screen
Step 3: Review Selected content
In the step 3 you can review your selection and make changes to it.
Choose if you want your assignment item (activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes) to be grouped by "Section" "Chapter" or "All"
Step 4: Configure Assignment
The students can complete the assignment until 3 days after the DUE DATE but they will be penalized with the percentage depending of the number of days being late, according to the scale set. Ex: One day after the due date, the student is penalized with 5%. 2 days after the DUE DATE, the Student is penalized with 10%. 3 days after the DUE DATE, the student is penalized with the 15%. It affects the entire assignment
The students can complete the assignment until 3 days after the DUE DATE but they will be penalized with the percentage depending of the number of days being late, according to the scale set. Ex: One day after the due date, the student is penalized with 5%. 2 days after the DUE DATE, the Student is penalized with 10%. 3 days after the DUE DATE, the student is penalized with the 15%. It only affects the Quizzes or activities completed within the grace period.