Create Homework

From your course dashboard, click on the "Assignments" card.

Click on the​ "CREATE"  button at the top right corner of the assignment page.

Click on the​ "CREATE"  next to "Homework" to create a Homework Assignment

Step 1: Assignment Set up

 Enter the name of the assignment. You can also type the instructions to be given to the students (optional).

Once you enter the name of the assignment you can continue with the next steps.

Step 2: Select Practices

Select the material to be given in the assignment.

That includes: Study, Videos, Flashcards, Practice quizzes, Homework Quizzes, Activities and Lab Experiments

Select Study

Study are chapters and chapter sections from your textbook. 

Click on the checkbox next to the chapters or chapter sections you expect your students to review.

Select Videos

Videos aligned to each chapter show up organized by chapters.

Click on "Preview" to watch the video in- line.

Mark the checkbox next to the videos you expect your students to watch.

Select Flashcards

Flashcards aligned to each chapter show up organized by chapters.

Click on "Preview" to view the flashcards in-line.

Mark the checkbox next to the flashcards you expect your students to review.

Select Activities

Activities aligned to each chapter show up organized by chapters.

Click on "Preview" to preview that specific activity group.

1. Click on the activity group title to preview all the activities within an activity group

2. Click on a specific activity to preview it as your students will see it.

For 3D activities and Cadaver activities, a pop-up window showing the activity will show up.

For other type of activities, you can preview individual activities in-line.

Click on "SHOW ANSWER" to check the expected response.

Tip: Above each activity's title you can see the corresponding activity type

Click on "X" to close the window and continue creating the assignment.

Mark the checkbox next to each activity group that you want your students to attempt.

Tip: You can edit, pick and choose individual activities in Step 3: Review Selected Content

Select Practice Quizzes

Practice quizzes aligned to each chapter show up organized by chapters.

Click on "Preview" to preview a practice quiz.

1. Click on the Practice quiz title to preview all the questions within an activity group

2. Click on a specific question to preview it.

You can also preview the expected correct response and feedback for each distractor.

Click on "X" to close the window and continue creating the assignment.

Tip: The first box above each question indicates the Bloom's taxonomy level of the question, the second box indicates the level of difficulty of the same and the third box indicates the type of question. Refer to the image

Mark the checkbox next to each practice quiz that you want your students to attempt. 

Tip: You can edit, pick and choose individual questions in Step 3: Review Selected Content

Select Homework Quizzes

Homework quizzes aligned to each chapter show up organized by chapter.

To select Homework quizzes follow the same process as for Practice quizzes.

Select Lab Experiments

All available or pre-selected Lab experiments show up here.

Mark the checkbox next to each lab experiment you want your students to attempt.

Add activities or questions from "My Bank"

1. Click on "Customize" any of Homework/Practice Quiz or activitie

2. Below your selection of quizzes or activities you will find "My bank" (If you have previously created questions or activities)

How to create activities and questions with "My Bank"

3. Click on a Topic

4. Select the questions or activities 

5. Your selected activities or questions will show up at the right side of the screen

Step 3: Review Selected content

In the step 3 you can review your selection and make changes to it.

Non- Graded Items

Review your non-graded items (Study, Videos and Flashcards) 

Delete items by clicking on the trash icon next to each one of them.

If you delete an item, you'll get a pop up message asking you to confirm. Click on "OK".

Graded Items

Review your graded items (F.e, activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes, lab experiments)

Delete items or sections by clicking on the trash icon next to them.

If you delete an item, you'll get a pop up message asking you to confirm. Click on "OK".


Choose if you want your assignment item (activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes, lab experiments) to be graded or not

Choose if you want your assignment item (activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes) to be grouped by "Section" "Chapter" or "All"

Grouped by "Section" items (activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes) will be presented and graded individually to your students (one per section).

Allocate grade points to each one of them.

You can customize each activity/quiz by hovering over the quiz or activity and clicking on "Customize".

Note that grouped by section quizzes are adaptive by default. That means that you can, but don't have to customize each quiz or activity.

Grouped by "Chapter" items (activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes) will be  presented and graded as one per chapter.

Remember to select activities/questions from all your selected sections within a chapter.

Allocate grade points to each quiz/activity per chapter.

Hover over the chapter and Click on "Customize" to select your activities/ quizzes questions.

Grouped by "All" items (activities, practice quizzes, homework quizzes) will be  presented and graded as one, all activities or quizzes selected will be included.

Remember to select activities/questions from all your selected chapters and sections.

Allocate grade points to your activity or quiz.

Choose the number of attempts that you allow your students to take.

Select the grading score rule (If more than 1 attempt was selected).

Highest: The highest score is considered for grading

Latest: The latest score is considered for grading

 Average: The average of all scores is considered for grading


Click on "Customize"

This window will open up

1. Click on the title of the activity or quiz to expand the content.

2. Click on a single quiz/activity to preview it

3. Mark the checkbox next to it to select it as part of the assignment item

4. Click on the big checkbox at the top to select all activities/questions displayed.

Click on the ladybug button to "Report an issue" about a question or activity

Click on "SAVE" to save your customization. 

Click on the "X" to go back to the assignment creation page

Customized items show up with a "customized" suffix

Remember to allocate some gradepoints

Step 4: Configure Assignment

1. Select your "class section(s)".

2. Set a "Start date".

3. Set a "Due Date".

4. You can choose a grace period (Optional).

5. Select the percentage that the assignment will weigh in the overall score.

Click on "SAVE"

Click on "SAVE & PUBLISH"

Click on "OK"

You'll be redirected to the assignments page. Your Homework Assignment will be stored in the "Active" tab under your "Published Items".


The students can complete the assignment until 3 days after the DUE DATE but they will be penalized with 10% out of the total grade points of the entire assignment. 

The students can complete the assignment until 3 days after the DUE DATE set but they will be penalized with 10% only for the quizzes or activities completed within the grace period. 

The students can complete the assignment until 3 days after the DUE DATE but they will be penalized with the percentage depending of the number of days being late, according to the scale set. Ex: One day after the due date, the student is penalized with 5%. 2 days after the DUE DATE, the Student is penalized with 10%. 3 days after the DUE DATE, the student is penalized with the 15%. It affects the entire assignment 

The students can complete the assignment until 3 days after the DUE DATE but they will be penalized with the percentage depending of the number of days being late, according to the scale set. Ex: One day after the due date, the student is penalized with 5%. 2 days after the DUE DATE, the Student is penalized with 10%. 3 days after the DUE DATE, the student is penalized with the 15%. It only affects the Quizzes or activities completed within the grace period.