
Preview to take a quick look to the Practice Quiz, its questions and more details.

Click on the practice quiz to preview the list of questions.

A list of all the questions within the practice quiz will show up.

The little boxes above every question indicates:

1. Bloom's taxonomy level.

2. Level of difficulty.

3. Type of question.

You can preview any question by clicking on it.

You can preview the question, the different distractors and their respective feedback.

You can also note what the correct answer is.

Important: There are two banks of quizzes in Lrnr. Practice quizzes and Homework quizzes.

Practice Quizzes is a bank of quizzes that can be either assigned as part of homework/ tests or students can proactively take them for practice from the Learn mode or by clicking on the "Practice Quizzes" tile

Homework Quizzes is a bank of quizzes that is hidden for the student. Unless you assign "Homework Quizzes" to your student they won't have access to them. You can locate your "Homework Quizzes" in "Assignments" (Only for premium courses)

Learn more about the different types of questions in practice quizzes.